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Call for Abstracts

The Scientific Committee welcomes the submission of abstracts on selected topics to the symposium for oral and poster presentation. The Committee reserves the right to reject abstracts and edit the language.


Abstracts should be submitted by email to All presenters are also required to register the symposium to present their works but their registration fees will be waived.


  • Authors should complete registrations before the submission of abstracts.

  • Each abstract should be typed single-spaced in MS Word format, using 12-point font of Regular Times New Roman in not more than 300 words and written in English. Authors must type their initials and last name, but not degrees, titles or institutional appointments. Please underline the name of the presenting author. Authors must indicate the name(s) and address(es) of the institution(s) where the work(s) was carried out.

  • Authors must arrange the text as follows:

    - Purpose of the study
    - Methods
    - Summary of the results
    - Conclusions

  • Authors must use standard abbreviations and place a special or unusual abbreviation in parentheses after the full word the first time it appears.

  • Simple tables or graphs (in black ink) may be included.

Topic for Abstract Submission

You may select one of the following topics for your abstract:

  • Atherosclerotic Disease

  • Cardiovascular and Renal Disease

  • Diabetes

  • Obesity

Selection Criteria

The selection of abstracts by the Scientific Committee will be based on the following criteria, which will be assessed with equal weighting:

  • Scientific rationale and clinical relevance of the objectives

  • Innovation and originality of the project

  • Appropriateness of the methodology, data analysis and conclusion

  • Clarity of presentation

Young Investigator Awards (aged under 45)

  • YIA Oral Presentation Awards: USD500 (first place) and USD300 (first runner-up)

  • YIA  Poster Presentation Awards: USD300 (first place) and USD150 (first runner-up)

  • 10 YIA Travel Grants for Non-local Presenters: USD300 each for non-local presenters residing outside Hong Kong


Submission Deadline

Friday, 16 August 2024

Notification of Acceptance

Late August 2024